Resizing a whole group of images AT THE SAME TIME with InfanView®

1.- Open the folder that hás all the definitive photos (framed) in order to resize them to the standard size of this website (standard size = 500 pixel)

2.- Open any of the pictures with InfanView® and then press the T key on your keyboard (of Total) and you should get something like this.

3.-  On the upper menu select “Options > Select all”

4.- Then select again on the upper menu “File > Star batch dialog with selected files...” and a menu similar to this one will open.

Click the button ADVANCED (like indicated on the image above) and a menu similar to the one below will appear

Complete the fields marked on the image above (inserto on the HEIGHT=500),the Width will be automatically set by the program to maintain the aspect ratio, then click OK. You will be back on the previous menu.

On the first place (arrow 1) FIND on the computer where the photos are.

Then select the photos that you wish to resize clicking over them (2). Then click on the button marked on (3).

Next find the folder where you want to save the resized photos (4)

Verify if the option Batch Convertion is selected (5)

Finally press the Start Batch buton (6) and the processo f resizing will start. You shoud now have all photos on the destination folder with the expected size.