Picture Slideshow with InfanView®

1.-  All the pictures that we want to be seen as a slideshow should be on the same folder and, VERY IMPORTANT, with its definitive name. In our example it will be the Lungs (Pulmones) folder that contains 5 pictures.

2.- Open whichever picture with InfanView® program and then press the T key (of total) of our keyboard and we should get something like this.

3.-  In the superior menu select “Options > Select all”.

4.- Then again on the superior menu, select the “File > Save selected thumbs as HTML file” option and a menu similar to the one on the image should appear.

In this menu certify yourself that the “Create HTML Slideshow” box is selected (1) and remember to select the button “Browse” (2) and indicate the FOLDER WHERE THE IMAGES ARE (of our “Pulmones” example). To finish click on the Export button (3).

The following should happen: in that same folder (Lungs) there will be a file named Thumbnais.html that when open will present on the screen the 5 pictures as a slideshow at predetermined intervals.