We are not computer technicians nor of programming of pages Web. We are veterinary medicine students and professors. Our objective with this Necro'TICS program is not to make technically sophisticated webpages, with a shining graphical design and an optimized functioning.

The idea is that professors and students, with what they know at the moment, can do a series of basic operations with very simple computer programs, that allow them to transmit no a simple and structured way the results of a necropsy to people who were not present at the time of it’s realization. Only that.

We are conscious that the webpages and solutions that we showed here could be much better, more efficient and even more complete. That is not in doubt. Our intention in this section is to communicate how a “non-informatics one” understands a simple way of “doing things”. This experience, which works in the majority of the times, is transmitted to other “non-informatics” so that they can obtain a similar result. It is not our objective that the people learn informatics science; we want to learn together how to transmit necropsies online so that they can be solved by third people. Only that. I hope that the “informatics ones” can forgive us by the heresies that we described here. Without a doubt it must be interesting for them to see how a “veterinarian” understands the way of doing those things. Under this same point of view it would be very interesting to see as a “informatics one” explains to another “informatics one” how to do and interpret the results of a necropsy (J).


o        TO MAKE WEBPAGES: Microsoft Word Windows® (it should work well in all the versions but preferably keep archives Office 2000®  could work with) limitations of software do not have to be an impediment. Those that have later versions should be able to open all the documents. Those that have older versions of Office don’t. It is fair that we all work on the same ground. More recent versions can save archives in compatibility mode for older versions (Microsoft Word Office 2000®). Those that have later versions should be able to open all the documents. Those that have older versions of Office don’t. It is fair that we all work on the same ground. More recent versions can save archives in compatibility mode for older versions (Microsoft Word Office 2000®).

o        TO DEAL WITH THE CASE’S IMAGES (cut, resizing, slideshows, etc.) INFANVIEW (download Infanview®) very versatile and is the one that we have used in all the project (in addition the creator Bosnian…. chances of lifeJ)

o        TO SEND THE CONTENTS MADE TO THE “INTERNET”: Program of FTP transference is required to send the contents. Any program would do. We use one very simple and small one (500 kb) called NICO-FTP (download). We can see a simplified manual of instructions in is Link (manual of NICO FTP). If you are a webmaster of Oporto, Milan or Sarajevo remember that you can ask the credentials for access to the Oporto Coordinator (August Faustino) and a key will be provided.

o        TURN WORD OR WEB DOCUMENTS TO PDF DOCUMENTS. There are many programs for this, but we recommend is the PDF creator (download it here or here). Once downloaded and installed it will be set as a Printer in our computer. In order to convert a Word document to a pdf one the only thing that there is to do is to order to print it and when we have to select a printer we have to choose the PDF Creator one. We print it with the PDFcreator option and the document will become a PDF document.

o       TO COMPRESS ARCHIVES any ZIP compressing program would do. One free and that works great is the ZIPGENIUS (you can download it here). Other free compressors can be found here.



  • Our image handling program. The program is called InfanView® is a freeware (download it here) and has very interesting functionalities to us that can be done with simplicity. Besides that it has been created in Bosnia which is also interesting J.



·         The pages that I create opens with Internet Explorer but not with Mozilla Firefox. Why?

·         Sometimes in the pages that I create that have frames, the links don’t open on the corresponding place (frame).

·         Why when I modify a HTML document the grey “close” and “return” buttons stop working?

The pages that I create opens with Internet Explorer but not with Mozilla Firefox. Why?

A pure stupidity.

The problem is that when we build pages with the Microsoft Word software we can equally use with the bar “\” or with the bar “/”. Internet Explorer recognizes both types as an indication of “/” and therefore the links work. It would open equally a page with this http://elearning.up.pt/ppayo direction or this other http://elearning.up.pt \ ppayo. Now Mozilla ONLY INTERPRETS the bar “/” thus in the previous example it would only have opened the first direction.

In order to fix this it is necessary to go to HTML code of the pages and to replace the bars “\” by “/” bars. That way Mozilla would accept our pages created with Word and the hyperlinks.


Sometimes in the pages that I create that have frames, the links don’t open on the corresponding place (frame).

That is correct. It happens that we have made a page with 2 or  more parts (frames) and when we asked that a certain page is opened in a frame it opens in the whole screen.

The problem is not in the frame pages.

The problem is in the previous page (through which we arrived) that normally does not have frames. There is “a residual” code in the such page without frames (for example in an index page) that puts “target RIGHT” or “target” something .....” but it is a page without target. This residual code causes that the following pages have problems in its frames. Then it is necessary to fix the index.htm pages. We should open those pages, seek the word “target” on its  HTML code, and then eliminate that code. For example eliminate “target right”, we close and the page already will work.

Why when I modify a HTML document the grey “close” and “return” buttons stop working?

It seems that the Word program when opens a document that has buttons of that type (Javascript) and modifies that same document alters the order of those same buttons and they stop working. This can be repaired quite easilyThe order of the buttons are at the end of  the HTML document. Locate the wrong code and substitute it by the one refered down. Then close the document and the buttons will work again. It often happens although we do not have the smallest idea of the reason why…:)

The correct code is:


<input type=button value=FECHAR name=B1 onclick="window.close()" " style="float: left">
